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Very simple encryption class for PHP


I’ve been getting emails asking about the encryption class I put up a couple of months ago. There were many requests asking for a more simplified version just pertaining to encryption. That’s a good idea actually, and here are three simple functions to take care of that.

Update Nov.17

Based on some suggestions, I’ve made an improved version (especially getting rid of the @ hack for error suppression). Original class is below this.


 * Encryption/Decryption related functions.
 * @author Eksith Rodrigo <reksith at gmail.com>
 * @license http://opensource.org/licenses/ISC ISC License
class uCrypt {
	public static function IV( $size, $ssl = false ) {
		if ( $ssl && 
			function_exists( 'openssl_random_pseudo_bytes' ) ) {
			return openssl_random_pseudo_bytes( $size, $ssl );
		return mcrypt_create_iv( $size, MCRYPT_DEV_RANDOM );
	public static function encrypt( $data, $key ) {
		if ( null === $data ) { return null ; }
		return self::encryption( $data, $key, 'encrypt' );
	public static function decrypt( $data, $key ) {
		if ( null === $data ) { return null ; }
		return self::encryption( $data, $key, 'decrypt' );
	private static function encryption( $str, $key, $mode = 'encrypt' ) {
		$td	= mcrypt_module_open( MCRYPT_RIJNDAEL_256, '', 
		$ivs	= mcrypt_enc_get_iv_size( $td );
		$bsize	= mcrypt_enc_get_block_size( $td );
		$ksize	= mcrypt_enc_get_key_size( $td );
		$key	= substr( hash( 'sha256', $key ), 0, $ksize );
		if ( 'encrypt' === $mode ) {
			$iv	= self::IV( $ivs );
		} else {
			$str	= base64_decode( $str );
			$iv	= mb_substr( $str, 0, $ivs );
			$str	= mb_substr( $str, mb_strlen( $iv ) );
		mcrypt_generic_init( $td, $key, $iv );
		if ( 'encrypt' === $mode ) {
			self::_pad( $str, $bsize );
			$str = mcrypt_generic( $td, $str );
			$out = base64_encode( $iv . $str );
		} else {
			$str = mdecrypt_generic( $td, $str );
			self::_unpad( $str, $bsize );
			$out = $str;
		mcrypt_generic_deinit( $td );
		mcrypt_module_close( $td );
		return $out;
	private static function _pad( &$str, $bsize ) {
		$pad = $bsize - ( mb_strlen( $str ) % $bsize );
		$str .= str_repeat( chr( $pad ), $pad );
	private static function _unpad( &$str, $bsize ) {
		$len = mb_strlen( $str );
		$pad = ord( $str[$len - 1] );

		if ($pad && $pad < $bsize) {
			$pm = preg_match( '/' . chr( $pad ) . 
				'{' . $pad . '}$/', $str );
			if ( $pm ) {
				$str = mb_substr( $str, 0, $len - $pad );



 * Encryption/Decryption related functions.
 * @author Eksith Rodrigo <reksith at gmail.com>
 * @license http://opensource.org/licenses/ISC ISC License
class uCrypt {
	public static function IV( $size, $ssl = false ) {
		if ( $ssl && 
			function_exists( 'openssl_random_pseudo_bytes' ) ) {
			return openssl_random_pseudo_bytes( $size, $ssl );
		return mcrypt_create_iv( $size, MCRYPT_DEV_URANDOM );
	public static function encrypt( $data, $key ) {
		$key	= hash( 'sha256', $key, true );
		$ivs	= mcrypt_get_iv_size( MCRYPT_RIJNDAEL_256, 
		$iv	= self::IV( $ivs );
		return @base64_encode( $iv .  mcrypt_encrypt( 
					MCRYPT_RIJNDAEL_256, $key, $data, 
					MCRYPT_MODE_CBC, $iv 
			) );
	public static function decrypt( $data, $key ) {
		$key	= hash( 'sha256', $key, true );
		$ivs	= mcrypt_get_iv_size( MCRYPT_RIJNDAEL_256, 
		$data	= base64_decode( $data );
		$iv	= mb_substr( $data, 0, $ivs );
		$data	= mb_substr( $data, $ivs );
		return @mcrypt_decrypt( MCRYPT_RIJNDAEL_256, $key, $data, 
				MCRYPT_MODE_CBC, $iv );

Usage :

 $rawstring = 'This is a test string';
$password = 'password';
$encrypted = uCrypt::encrypt( $rawstring, $password );
$decrypted = uCrypt::decrypt( $encrypted, $password );

Filed under: Computers, Open Source Tagged: Encryption, PHP, Programming, Security

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